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of DOGA Parts

Our mission as a Team is the constant search for excellence in service.

Foto Jordi Llobet
General Manager

Jordi Llobet

Foto Jordi Pons
Logistics Manager

Jordi Pons

Foto de Roger Palacin

Roger Palacin

Foto Mar Checa
Sales Assistant

Mar Checa

Foto Gerard Sánchez
Export Area Manager

Gerard Sanchez

Foto Sergio Alonso

Sergio Alonso

Foto de Marisa Sanz
Sales Assistant

Marisa Sanz

Foto de Monica Escudero
Administrative Assistant

Monica Escudero

Foto de Roger Forne

Roger Forne

Foto de Oscar Molina
Finance-Administration and Logistics

Oscar Molina

Foto Marc Patro

Marc Patro

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